Zegwaard Boelaars 1 Side B
The cassette is a TDK D60. It is an interview
with Gerard Zegwaard (21-10-1919 – 15-6-1996) and Jan Boelaars (17-2-1915 – 19-6-2004)
on 29-9-1987 in Rotterdam. Both were priest in the order of M.S.C. Missionarii
Sacratissimi Cordis Iesu or in Dutch Missionarissen van het Heilig Hart. They
were active as missionaries in South New Guinea. Gerard Zegwaard became a priest in 1945 and arrived in West Papua in
1946. He first stayed in the Mimika area from 1946 to 1952 and then with the Asmat. He returned to the
Netherlands in 1994. He was the first catholic missionary in the Asmat area and
wrote a number of articles about them like: Headhunting practices of the Asmat
of Netherlands New Guinea, The American anthropologist, 1959, vol 6 n. 6. He
collected and wrote down the stories in the book: Amoko in the beginning. Myths
and legends of the Asmat & Mimika Papuans, Crawford House publishing,
Adelaide, 2002. He also assisted Carel Groenevelt who collected art and other
objects for a number of Dutch musea which led to the first art catalogue of the
Asmat: H.C. van Renselaar and R.L. Mellema, Asmat, Zuidwest Nieuw-Guinea. Amsterdam, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1956. Jan Boelaars became a priest in 1939 and then
studied anthropology in Utrecht. He got his promotion in 1950 on the languages
of Southern New Guinea basing himself on the work of the missionary Piet Drabbe.
He went to West Papua in 1950 and worked there in the areas of the Mappi and Digoel
river. After 1968 he went to teach on several Indonesian Catholic seminaries
and in 1986 he returned to Merauke in West Papua to organize the archive of the
M.S.C. In 1990 he returned to the Netherlands. He wrote a number of books: Papoea’s aan de Mappi, Utrecht,
Fontein, 1958; Mandobo’s tussen de Digoel en de Kao. Bijdragen tot een
etnografie, Assen, van Gorcum, 1970; Headhunters about Themselves: An
Ethnographic Report from Irian Jaya, Den Haag, Nijhoff, 1981; Mono Koame: ‘wij
denken ook’, Nijmegen, Centre for Pacific and Asian Studies, 2001 en het
driedelige Met Papoea’s samen op weg, Kampen, Kok 1992-1997.
Side A is 31’41
and Side B is 31’42